2,958 research outputs found

    Simulation of Electric Vehicles Combining Structural and Functional Approaches

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    In this paper the construction of a model that represents the behavior of an Electric Vehicle is described. Both the mechanical and the electric traction systems are represented using Multi-Bond Graph structural approach suited to model large scale physical systems. Then the model of the controllers, represented with a functional approach, is included giving rise to an integrated model which exploits the advantages of both approaches. Simulation and experimental results are aimed to illustrate the electromechanical interaction and to validate the proposal.Fil: Silva, Luis Ignacio. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Ingeniería. Grupo de Electronica Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: Magallán, Guillermo Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Ingeniería. Grupo de Electronica Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: de la Barrera, Pablo Martin. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Ingeniería. Grupo de Electronica Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: de Angelo, Cristian Hernan. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Ingeniería. Grupo de Electronica Aplicada; ArgentinaFil: Garcia, Guillermo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Rio Cuarto. Facultad de Ingeniería. Grupo de Electronica Aplicada; Argentin

    Illustrating changes in landscapes of passing opportunities along a set of competitive football matches

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    This study aims to illustrate the landscape of passing opportunities of a football team across a set of competitive matches. To do so positional data of 5 competitive matches was used to create polygons of pass availability. Passes were divided into three types depending on the hypothetical threat they may pose to the opposing defense (penetrative, support, and backwards passes). These categories were used to create three heatmaps per match. Moreover, the mean time of passing opportunities was calculated and compared across matches and for the three categories of passes. Due to the specificity of player’s interactive behavior, results showed heatmaps with a variety of patterns. Specifically the fifth match was very dissimilar to the other four. However, characterizing a football match in terms of passing opportunities with a single heatmap dismisses the variety of dynamics that occur throughout a match. Therefore, three temporal heatmaps over windows of 10 min were presented highlighting on-going dynamical changes in pass availability. Results also display that penetrative passes were available over shorter periods of time than backward passes that were available shorter than support passes. The results highlight the sensibility of the model to different task constrains that emerge within football matches.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Incidencia de los estilos de vida para el desarrollo de Diabetes Mellitus tipo II en la población chilena

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    Tesis (Profesor de Educación Física, Licenciado en Educación)La presente investigación surge con el motivo de analizar la incidencia de los estilos de vida para el desarrollo de la diabetes mellitus tipo II (DM2). En esta obra se analizará a personas con DM2, identificando los estilos de vidas previos al diagnóstico de esta enfermedad, que pueden incidir o ser causantes directos de ella. Para verificar esto, se formuló una encuesta para ser aplicada en la ADICH (asociación de diabéticos de Chile) a personas que padecen DM2. La muestra total de la investigación fue de 100 personas; 50 hombres y 50 mujeres. Con los resultados obtenidos se dará a conocer cómo era la vida de estas personas antes del diagnóstico de la DM2 en cuanto a la cantidad y duración de actividad física, tipo de nutrición, cantidad de alimentos y horarios dispuestos para alimentarse, y finalmente los factores de riesgo cardiovasculares, tanto modificables como no modificables, asociados a la enfermedad en cuestión. De esta manera, se enfatizará lo importante de estas tres características tanto en la génesis de la enfermedad, como en la influencia que cada una de ellas en tendrá en la prevención o retardo de la aparición de esta patología. Los resultados obtenidos se darán a conocer mediante análisis, apoyados por una serie de gráficos y su respectiva explicación. Se podrá ver las diferencias presentadas entre hombres y mujeres previos al diagnóstico de la DM2, obteniendo conclusiones generales y entendiendo como los hábitos de vida pudieron tener relevancia en la génesis de la DM2. Dentro de los resultados relevantes, el escaso tiempo destinado a la práctica de actividad física, junto a la mala conjugación y calidad de los alimentos ingeridos, se ven potenciadas con factores de riesgo asociados. Todo esto finalmente converge en una sinergia de efectos negativos que van en desmedro de la salud, gestando la aparición de la DM2

    Length-weight relationships for 22 crustaceans and cephalopods from the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Spain)

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    Life history traits are available for many fish species in different regions, but less so for invertebrates such as cephalopods and crustaceans, though, they are increasingly needed for implementing an ecosystem-based approach. Recent food web modelling in the Gulf of Cadiz has identified invertebrates as keystone groups. However, information on life history traits of such groups remains incomplete in this region. To fill this knowledge gap, we report length-weight relationships for 12 cephalopods and 10 crustaceans collected in the Gulf of Cadiz from 2009 to 2013. This study reports, for the first time, life history traits of nine species in the area (Chlorotocus crassicornis, Pasiphaea sivado, Plesionika heterocarpus, Plesionika martia, Processa canaliculata, Solenocera membranacea, Allotheutis media, Sepia orbignyana and Sepietta oweniana). For each species, length-weight relationships, minimum and maximum lengths, mean weights, and depth ranges are presented. Overall, the results revealed that all species showed negative allometric growth (hypoallometry), except P. sivado, the only species showing an isometric growth pattern. We expect that this study will contribute to link sustainable fisheries with biodiversity conservation goals enabling the implementation of operational ecosystem-based management in the Gulf of Cadiz.IEO through FPIinfo:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    The threat of climate change on population health and the urgent need to act

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    Climate change is associated with negative health outcomes, such as cardiovascular and respiratory diseases. This article analyses the threat of climate change on population health and the urgent need to implement measures to avoid this damage. Heat vulnerability, heatwave exposures, and wildfire exposure to forest fires have increased in Chile. In 2018, the annual mean concentration of fine particulate matter (PM2.5) exceeded the safe level proposed by the World Health Organization, increasing the risk of negative health outcomes. Thus, multidisciplinary and intersectoral mitigation and adaptation policies are needed. Among other elements, mental health impacts of climate change, health education provided by health workers to reduce negative health impacts of climate change, greater engagement of academia to generate evidence useful for policy-making processes and a better articulation between central and local governments should be considered. Finally, achieving a healthy population should be the aim of all these policies and efforts

    Phylogeography of the veined squid, Loligo forbesii, in European waters

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    The veined squid, Loligo forbesii Steenstrup, 1856, occurs at the European Shelf areas including the Azores and represents a valuable resource for the European commercial fishery in the North East Atlantic. However, very little is known about its population structure and phylogeography. This lack of knowledge also impedes the development of sustainable fishery management for this species. The present study combined the use of two types of markers that retrieve patterns of gene flow in different time spans; the analysis of 16 nuclear microsatellites and sequencing of the mitochondrial cytochrome oxidase subunit I (COI). Whereas the high mutation rate of microsatellites allows the description of recent patterns of connectivity in species, the lower mutation rate of COI provides phylogeographic patterns on a longer timescale. A total of 347 individuals of L. forbesii were investigated from nearly the entire distribution range of the species, including the North East Atlantic Shelf, the Azores and the Mediterranean. Individuals from the Western and Eastern Mediterranean Sea have never been included in a genetic study before. We were able to analyse COI sequences from all 12 sampling areas and define three clades of L. forbesii. Due to our large sampling area, we are presenting 13 COIhaplotypes that were previously unknown. The microsatellite analysis does not include the Azores but three main clades could be identified at the remaining 11 sampling sites. Low FST values indicate gene flow over large geographical distances. However, the genetically significant differences and an additional slight grouping in the microsatellite structure reveal that geographical barriers seem to influence the population structure and reduce gene flow. Furthermore, both markers provide strong evidence that the observed phylogeographic pattern reflects the geographical history of the Azores and the Mediterranean Sea.Postprin